7 نصائح لتركيب السيور الناقلة - ون جيان

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7 نصائح لتركيب السيور الناقلة

يمكن استخدام تركيب السيور الناقلة في الحياة اليومية والمجالات الصناعية المختلفة, and its application range is very wide.

1. Put a flexible reel on the conveyor belt core, roll up the belt, and pay attention to the direction of the upper and lower covering glue before putting it on the rack.

2. In workplaces where it is not suitable to set up, the conveyor belt can be unfolded, and the conveyor belt at the fold should have a sufficiently large radius of curvature to avoid damaging the conveyor belt. It is strictly forbidden to place heavy objects on the conveyor belt at the fold.

3. If the conveyor belt is replaced, the new belt can be connected to the old belt, and the conveyor belt can be removed and installed at the same time.

4. For horizontal conveyors, the old conveyor can be cut off at any point. For conveyors working obliquely, the cutting point needs to be selected to avoid losing control due to sliding due to self-weight.

5. After the new belt is correctly in place on the conveyor, fix one end of the belt with a clamp, then connect it to the rope around the roller and pulley, and fix the conveyor belt to the conveyor in a balanced manner through the traction device. When traction, avoid squeezing the conveyor belt and the frame against each other.

6. Fix one end of the conveyor belt to the conveyor frame with a clamp and tighten the other end through the pulley until the conveyor belt does not sag noticeably on the return الاسطوانه.

7. Fix the tensioning device 100~150mm away from the starting point.


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