Cinta transportadora de patrón - WenJian

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Cinta transportadora de patrón

The pattern conveyor belt is made by a specific template, and the rubber raised on the surface is raised to prevent the material of the material generated during the conveying process.

  • Product Details

The pattern conveyor belt is made by a specific template, and the rubber raised on the surface is raised to prevent the material of the material generated during the conveying process. It is suitable for the ≦40° conveyor. Delivery packaging bags and other items are widely used in industries such as coal mines, electricity, chemical industry, grain transportation and other industries.

Pattern conveyor belt Parameter“八”type“V”type,etc.
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Belt width 400-800(milímetro) 400-1400(milímetro) 300-1100(milímetro)
Pattern height 7(milímetro) 8(milímetro) 5(milímetro)
Pattern width 12/20(milímetro) 18/20(milímetro) 12(milímetro)
Pattern pitch 200(milímetro) 250(milímetro) 80(milímetro)
Pattern angle 90° 90° 120°



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