リダイレクションローラー - ウェンジャン

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The reversing roller is installed at the rear of the conveyor or where the direction of the conveyor belt needs to be changed. It is an indispensable part of the normal operation of the conveyor. Ordinary redirection rollers have no rubber coating on the surface and do not provide power to the conveyor. If used in special environments, a rubber coating can also be added to the surface to increase friction. During the production process, thickened iron sheets and thickened shafts are used to meet the transportation requirements of heavy-duty conveyors.

  • 製品詳細

The reversing roller is installed at the rear of the conveyor or where the direction of the conveyor belt needs to be changed. It is an indispensable part of the normal operation of the conveyor. Ordinary redirection rollers have no rubber coating on the surface and do not provide power to the conveyor. If used in special environments, a rubber coating can also be added to the surface to increase friction. During the production process, thickened iron sheets and thickened shafts are used to meet the transportation requirements of heavy-duty conveyors.




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