Меры предосторожности при плановом техническом обслуживании конвейера - Вэнь Цзянь

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Меры предосторожности при плановом техническом обслуживании конвейера

http://Conveyor routine maintenance precautions

In order to ensure the normal operation of the conveyor and reduce the loss caused by improper maintenance,a few points that need attention are briefly introduced:

1:Boot,no-load start, after the machine normal and stable operation began to discharge material.

2:When the machine is stopped, stop the material firsthand then close the conveyor after the material on the conveyor belt is transported.

3:Regular inspection.Rollers and other damage should be replaced in time, conveyor belt damage should be repaired in time, reducer,electric roller, и т. д.,should regularly add the corresponding lubricating oil.

4:Timely clean up the stuck materials and other items that the hinder the operation of the conveyor,so as not to cause irreparable damage to the conveyor belt.



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