สายพานลําเลียงป้องกันการกัดกร่อน - เหวินเจี้ยน

อีเมล์: postmaster@wenjianconveyor.com โทร: +86-13697517162

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The interior of the corrosion-resistant conveyor belt provides tension to the cloth layer and the exterior is a rubber covering. The tensile cloth layer has been specially treated to provide better power in corrosive working environments; the rubber covering layer has been treated to have good resistance to corrosive materials. In working environments that transport certain corrosive materials, it can provide longer service time.  

  • Product Details

The interior of the corrosion-resistant conveyor belt provides tension to the cloth layer and the exterior is a rubber covering. The tensile cloth layer has been specially treated to provide better power in corrosive working environments; the rubber covering layer has been treated to have good resistance to corrosive materials. In working environments that transport certain corrosive materials, it can provide longer service time.



